Michael Job Memorial College of Education for Women offering B.Ed and M. Ed Courses at Michael & John Job Center organized a National Seminar on 20th December, 2012. The topic of the seminar was “Application of Modern Technology in Education”. Participants from various colleges across the state submitted their papers and made presentation at the seminar.
Dr Devenesan Principal welcomed the gathering. Dr (Mrs) Mary Job President of the Management Trust of MJC inaugurated the Seminar. The chief guest for the inaugural session as Mr K Govindan Kutty Senior Journalist and Author for three decades. He also released the publicaiton which consolidated all the papers that were submitted.
Mr T Koshy Vice President of the Management Trust of MJC gave the Key Note Address. Dr Ravi Principal and Director or RVS College of Education delivered the addressed the audience. Mr. Srinakesh Vardhan, MD Vista Learning Technologies (India) Pvt ltd dedicated an E-Learning Center at MJC which has been established in memory of his late wife Usha.
An independent panel of judges evaluated the presentation of papers. The paper submitted by Mrs. K. Geetha M.Sc (Mathematics) B.Ed., M Phil., working as Mathematics teacher in Kadhri mills Higher secondary school, Irugur Coimbatore was adjudged as the best submission. She received certificate and cash award of Rs 10,000 from Mr Koshy. It is a matter of pride that Geetha is an old student of our college. (B.Ed. batch of 2006 - 07)
Dr. S. Govindarajan, Principal, CMS College of Education, Coimbatore was the chief guest for the Valedictory Function.
Special Congrats to the Organising Committee consisting of Chief Organizer Dr. D. Devanesan Sanjeevi, Principal, Convener Mrs. A. Geetha, Vice Principal and Coordinator Mr. M.Sachithanandam and the students who worked hard to make it a success.
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