Renaissance - MJC Cultural Festival

We are pleased to announce “Renaissance 2017” MJC cultural festival to be held on 27th and 28th of January 2017. On 27th we will have Renaissance Cultural Festival for School children and The Kids fest for Kindergarten. On 28th we will have the Inter Collegiate Cultural Festival for the College students.

Come and enjoy the program!! The competitions to be held are,
      a) Solo Dance 
      b) Group Dance
2. Singing  - Tamil Vocal Solo or Western Vocal Solo
3. Arts
     a) Rangoli
     b) Mehandi
4. Elocution
    a) Tamil
    b) English

All the competitions will be evaluated by a panel of judges for selection of winners and the decision of the panel will be final. Following are the rules of the various competitions:
  1. For Group dance competition, only a maximum of four participants are permitted in a group and only one group is allowed per college. Duration of the song should not exceed four minutes.
  2. For Solo dance and Singing competitions, only one participant is permitted per college. Duration of the song should not exceed four minutes. 
  3. For Rangoli Competition, only one participant per college is permitted. Time duration allowed would be two hours. Participants will have to bring the colour kolam powders.
  4. For Mehandi Competition, only one participant per college is permitted. Time duration allowed would be two hours.
  5. For Elocution, only one participant per college is permitted. Duration of the speech should not exceed four minutes. The topics for elocution are:
       Tamil: பெண்கள், பணமில்லா பரிவர்த்தனை \ டிஜிட்டல் இந்தியா மூலம்        பயனடைந்தனரா?
       English: "Are we, Women benefited by Demonetization/Digital India/ Cashless Transactions"

We cordially invite you to be a part of MJC’s Intercollegiate Cultural Festival. 

The Registration fee is Rs 100/- per participant. Note:- Only female participants invited.

We are happy to announce “Renaissance 16” MJC cultural festival to be held on 29th and 30th of January 2016. On 29th we will have Renaissance Junior the interschool competitions and Renaissance- Cubs and on 30th   we will have Renaissance Senior the intercollegiate competitions

Competitions will include Mehendi drawing, Singing (solo and group), dancing (solo and group), rangoli making, elocution (Tamil and English) and painting.

Launch of Renaissance

On 28th January 2013 we the staff and students of Michael Job Arts & Science College launched our intercollegiate cultural festival. We named it Renaissance because we dedicated this to our re-awakening. After the untimely death of our founder chairman last August, many were worried that MJC would wither away. But we took and a vow; that we will not let it happen. Renaissance is an expression of this commitment and confidence.  (click here for the official report).

The event on 28th was culmination of our efforts of almost two months. During this period we designed our own brochures, we went around Coimbatore inviting students from other colleges, we got some very talented people as judges, we got Chemmanur Jewelers to sponsor prices and we triggered the imagination of the whole MJC campus to contribute in some to make this a success. 

The event we believe was a success. We got good participation and high quality performance. We had some wonderful prices for the winners that were sponsored by Chemmanur Jewelers (Gold Coins! Can u believe it?)

As we organized the competition, students from our college were not considered for the prices. But many of our students actively participated in various events. We enjoyed the competition and were proud when the audience recognized the performance of some of our students to be better than the winning performance. .

The Bhutanese dance presented by our students was a hit in many ways. The ornaments we designed with chocolate wrapper caught the imagination of Bobby and he has promised to use the idea in his designs. (Are we not proud?)

It was truly and fun-filled day. This was also an experience for the Management, Staff and the Students and we believe that we will be able to organize a bigger and better Renaissance-14.

Renaissance 2014

This we enhanced the scope and made this to a two day affair. Fist day is Renaissance Junior for the school students and the second day is Renaissance Senior for College Students

Renaissance 2015

Following the tradition Renaissance 2015 was held on 23rd and 24th of January 2015. We wer blessed see and increased participation and celebrity guests.

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