The 9th Graduation
July 04, 2015 in the John Job Auditorium. Mr. Mathew Samuel IAS, Secretary in
charge of Sports, Panchayati Raj and Rural Development of the Government of Goa
was the Chief Guest. We also had an impressive array of Guests which included
Ms.Deepika Mittal,IRS Mr.
S V. Paramasivam, Director.Rural Health services Coimbatore Rtn Sanjay Shah and
Rtn Shafiq President and Secretary of Rotary Spectrum Coimbatore, Rtn
Krishnakumar Payel, Mr Balamurugan reputed Industrialist, Ms Sonali Geed from IPS, Mr.Markus
Zuercher, from Switzerland, Dr Hans Braun from Germany and Rev Jan Bor from the Netherlands.
After the Academic Procession entered the
auditorium, the dignitaries were escorted to the dais by the students. The program
began with the Tamil Thai Vazhlthu. Then Mr.T.Koshy, Vice President introduced
and welcomed the guests and the all those attended the program.
In her presidential
Address, Dr. Mary Job, the President appealed to the
students to help the people, especially the women in need and also pledge to
give back to the society after their studies.
The Chief Guest in his
speech encouraged the graduates to develop their communication skill and aspire
to become great leaders.
Mr.Balamurugan, Industrialist,
Coimbatore, Mr. Sanjay shah, president Rotary Spectrum, Coimbatore felicitated
the graduates.
The Chief Guest, the President
along with Dr. Lali Thomas, Principal, Michael Job College of Arts and Science
for Women honoured the gold medallist, university rank holders and the Post
graduate students of Michael Job College of Arts and Science for Women.
Principal Michael Job matriculation higher secondary school honoured the school
topers and cash prizes were given to them.
Mr.Babu.P.Varu, Trustee,
Rtn K.K. Payal and Mr. Markus Zuercher distributed the degrees to the graduates
of Michael Job College of Arts and Science for Women.
Director Rural Health Service, Coimbatore, Ms. Deepika Mittal along with Dr.D.Devenesan
Sanjeevi and Mr.T.Koshy, gave away the certificates to the graduates from
Michael Job College of Education.
Rev. Jan Bor and Mr.
Sanjay Shah along with Ms. Elizabeth Koshy, and Ms.S.Krishnapriya Michael Job matriculation
higher secondary school honoured the students of the school. Rev. Hans Braun
and Ms. Sonali Geed issued UKG certificates.
The Rotary Spectrum Coimbatore recognized the toppers and the best teachers with Cash awards.
Ms. Jeevitha, Assistant
Professor, Department of English, Michael Job College of Arts and Science for
Women was the Master of Ceremony. The function ended up
with the National Anthem.
This report was prepared by
Ms. Jeevitha, Department of English, MJCAS.