We celebrated our college day cum fresher’s day celebrate the new academic year and to welcome our new comers on 24th September 2014. For these youngsters this is a big change; from the school environment to the college environment, from a child to a young adult with more responsibilities to own their decision. The fresher’s day was also meant to remind them of this change and the new comers were very enthusiastic and were overwhelmed with joy.
Dr Sanjeevi, Mr Shaym, Mr Mathew, Ms Geeta |
The programme started with the prayer song followed by the Lighting the Lamp; by the leadership of MJC, Mr.Shyam Trinath - Educational Consultant, Mr.Mathew Philip - Deputy CEO, Dr.Lali Thomas – Principal of Arts and Science College, Dr.Devanesan Sanjeevi – Principal of Education College, Mrs.Krishnapriya – Principal of School.
Dr Lali Thoma |
The college report and the welcome address were given by Dr.Lali Thomas.
The day’s chief guest Mr.Shyam Trinath addressed the gathering after the invocation dance.
The variety entertainment program the students organized was a feast for our eyes and ears. The variety was awesome dances and included a traditional folk dance expressing express joy of celebration, Dandiya dance with pair of colourfully decorated sticks originating from state of Gujarat, Fusion Dance integrating western and eastern styles and brilliant rendition of a number of motivational songs.
Mr Syham Trinath |
Ms Geeta |
The cultural programme ended with a fashion Show depicting the attire of different states of India Saree which is a South Asian female garment. The fashion show was appreciated by everybody. The program ended with the national anthem and vote of thanks by Mrs.Geetha – Prof. of B.Ed. College.
The decoration of the John Job auditorium for the function stage was done by our Sabina students. It was mind blowing and everybody appreciated their talent. For successful and efficient organisation we had an organizing committee with Mrs.A.Petricia, Ms.B.Arunapriya, Mrs.D.Yamuna as members. This team broke up the whole program to different discreet activates and each activity was the responsibility of a team of a teacher and student volunteers
The overall supervision was by Mrs. S.R. Dhanalakshmi and Mrs. S.Ponnammal. The program anchors were students Ms.Sehanaz Begum (in English) and Ms.Arunya (in Tamil).
Report by A. Dominica Petricia, D.Yamuna, B. Arunapriya
Take a look at some wonderful performances...