Friends & Wellwishers |
On 19th August 2012, Dr Job our founding chairman
passed away. In his memory, his friends and well-wishers decided to establish a
Dr Job Memorial Lecture. The first lecture was held on 18th August
at Mavlankar Auditorium New Delhi.
Joseph Mar Thomma Metropolitan |
About 400 people attended this wonderfully organised
program. Dr Jospeph Marthoma, the Metropolitan of Marthomma Church was the
chief guest.
Dr Mary Job |
In his welcome address Mr T Koshy described at length the
work of Michael & John Job Centre (MJC) the centre of education established
by Dr Job for empowering economically challenged girl children through
education. He updated the status of MJC and how it has been able to stabilize
and continue successfully in the last one year. He exhorted all friends and
well-wishers to support (financially or as
volunteers) in taking MJC forward.
Dr (Mrs) Mary Job in her presidential address elaborated how
MJC stands for Job’s vision of Love in Action.
Dr Cyriac Thomas |
Dr Cyriac Thomas Member National Commission for Minority
Education delivered the first lecture. The focus of his lecture was “Value
Concepts in Public Life”.
Justice Cyriac Joseph |
Justice Cyriac Joseph retired Supreme Court Justice and Member
of National Human Rights Commission talked eloquently on how one can be a
practising Christian and be an example in every walk of his life. He also
released a book titled "A LIFE THAT BUBBLED FOR CHRIST: DR. P.P. JOB"
which is a collection of articles on him written by many who has had the
opportunity to be associated with him. He released the book by presenting a
copy to Mr Anto Antony who is one of the most respected and celebrated Member
of Parliament from Kerala
Mr. Anto Antony MP |
There have been many dignitaries who paid a few words of
tributes . They include Bishop Simon John, Believers Church, Rev Markose
Kecheril, Cor Episcopa, Jacobite Church, Rev (Dr) P P Thomas, Adv KV Thomas and so on
Delhi Choral from Men and Students of Dharma Jyothi
Vidyapeeth sang beautiful songs
Delhi Choral for Men |
Dharma Jyothi Vidyapeeth
Adv Manoj was the Mastor of Ceremony of the Program. Mr Cherian was the preiident of the committee
Adv Manoj |